Tuesday, December 16, 2008


hii how are you all?reply pls

Monday, December 8, 2008

song name:you raise me up

This song is about someone who is down and suddenly meet God..until one day he succeed in his life..


Thursday, October 16, 2008


why why why ???
why must kristine break with us????


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

when mr.ng was away

When Mr.Ng was away a new teacher came call miss sandy she is very fierce she change my sit and have alot of work to do


when mr.ng was away

when mr.ng was away valen was very nauthy and miss sandy was fierce

and miss sandy was very angry. children's day was very fun and teacher gift us alot of thing's

my aim for sa2 was full mark but i wish i can make it.


Saturday, August 30, 2008


School may be fun may be with sadness. But I prefer fun coz you may have all the joy and laughter with everyone.

You must not take your friends for granted. They are the one sharing the joy and laughter with you all the time.

But some how, you sometimes have a little fight with them but you got back to become friends again.

So you must understand all of your friends personality. If they are a little sad of something you must comfort them.

To show them your care and concern. So you must learn your mistakes. All those things that you hurt them. So stop all those



Friday, August 22, 2008


I feel so great about Singapore ..... We must stay united always. . . . hope to have a wonderful NDP next year... :)


Wednesday, August 6, 2008


i am vry sad cuz no one friend me i was alone so boring i was really sad when mr ng talk to me i was crying cuz of huimin xiaohui kristine they go friend valent also dun want to friend me i hate them and i hate to come to school cuz someone bully me sad I HATE THEM


Thursday, July 10, 2008

all about group

My group people name is:felicia,berlinda,shahana,jiaqi and qiuhao
i will will talk more another day
